Friday, December 9, 2011

Biodiesel and Bioethanol

The race to find new sources of fuel had led to the development of biodiesel and bioethanol. They both use things like corn and other sources of biomass and are usually put in with the gas. It might not be such a bad idea to start looking at other sources of fuel since everyone is saying that our current fuel source is running out.

Mitochondrial Eve

Everyone knows the story about Adam and Eve and how really all humanity has come from this one man and woman. I really had no idea that there was a way that you could trace it to Eve through the mitochondria. When the genes are passed on from mother to child the mitochondrial DNA remains the same. This means that it could be traced back for ages and it could not change. This is how people today trace back their ancestors. It would be interesting to see how far back scientists could actually trace the DNA because you have to take into account mutations that could occur and probably have occurred in the DNA over so much time.

Burgess Shale

Everyone knows Darwin for his theory of evolution but I didnt know that this shale was a source of his dilemma. It was interesting to find out that he could not explain the "explosion" of all these new species that arose during the Cambrian. The fossil records show the fossils of the animals of this explosion but does not show evidence of animals that they evolved from...they just appeared. This was the source of his dilemma because Darwin couldn't explain it. It is an interesting dilemma not only to him but to people today because how do you explain it if you cant prove the evolution.


I did not know about this fish before but it was interesting to know that scientists think it could unlock secrets to the evolution of vertebrates. I could how that could be true since it is a very old fish and maybe some of genes could help. They want to compare them to that of present vertebrates to see how we have evolved and changed our genes to adapt. It might be a clue or it might even help but you never know.

My favorite lake

Lake Baikal in Russia is one place I would love to see. I have heard of it and seen pictures and fell in love with its beauty. It is known as one of the clearest lakes in the world. I normally dont like lakes because they look dirty but this one does not even look like a lake.

Indian Mounds

The best part of the trip to the mounds was being able to go on the mounds and really see them up close. It was a great experience and we got to learn a little of the history of the mounds and the Native Americans that had built them. There were different mounds for different purposes which was interesting. We also did some identification of different plant life that was there.

Jackson Springs

The trip to the park was rather exciting. We got to walk around and see everything that the park had and got to take a look at some of the different rocks. It was a good trip and seeing the Ocmulgee River was not bad.

Life Tables

I guess making these life tables are a good idea for research purposes. This would be good if your trying to figure out how a certain things like drug use will effect the life expectancy of a person. It could help in warning people about the health risks and things like that. Then again people might take it to seriously and not believe that they can live past a certain age because of the table. It had its benefits though. 

Dog Park

The dog park was unique since I had never been to one and really did not know that Macon had a dog park. It might be a good idea for those people who have dogs and need a place to bring the dog and get some fresh air. But it might not be so good since there are always health risks. It would be a lot easier for the dogs to transmit diseases to each other at a dog park and the creek that runs through the park might not be so sanitary and healthy for the dogs to playing in. This could also effect the people. But if it was kept clean and healthy then I don't think a dog park is a bad idea to have in a neighborhood.

Hitchiti Experimental Forest

It was a very interesting trip. I had no idea that they experimented on forests but I think it is a good idea. This way we can learn about how we effect the forests and maybe how we can help conserve different plants and wildlife. Like the unique tree that we saw called the sassafras.

12 types of soil

After doing some research i found that there were 12 different types of soil. They are Alfisols, Aridisols, Entisols, Histosols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Oxisols, Spodosols, Ultisols, Gelisols, Andisols, and Vertisols. All the different types have different colors and textures and vary in different ways. 

My Tomato Plant

My tomato plant was growing good. I would put it in the sun and give it some water whenever I remembered. It grew pretty fast after it first came out.

After a while I got really busy and some things came up so I didn't water it enough and it died.